Did you know that collectively, a staggering 103 trillion emails are sent worldwide every year? There are 4 billion daily email users, and this number is expected to climb to 4.6 billion by 2025.
Moreover, despite the proliferation of messaging apps and social media platforms, 58% of people still check their email before anything else online! It's safe to say that email is far from dead.
For B2B businesses, email marketing remains a cornerstone strategy for customer acquisition, with an impressive return on investment (ROI). Research indicates that the email marketer can expect a return of roughly $42 for every $1 spent on an email campaign, and that 4 out of 5 marketers said they’d rather give up social media than email marketing.
Crafting the perfect email strategy isn't a one-size-fits-all endeavour. As research by Campaign Monitor demonstrated, personalised email marketing operates on a whole new level with a jaw-dropping 760% increase in revenue, due to segmented campaigns and tailored email lists. Moreover, emails bearing personalised subject lines boast a 26% higher open rate. It's no wonder that a whopping 94% of marketers are doubling down on gathering customer data to unlock more precise insights.
Understanding the journey of your prospects and delivering the right content at the right time is crucial to converting leads, but fear not, because we're here to guide you through it. Let's dive into the world of B2B email sales funnels and explore how small agencies can leverage them to drive conversions and build lasting relationships with clients.
What is an Email Funnel in B2B Sales?
An email funnel is like a well-oiled machine, seamlessly guiding your prospects through each stage of the buyer's journey. From initial awareness to final decision-making, each email serves a specific purpose, nudging your readers closer to making a purchase.
In the B2B realm, there are typically four stages in the email funnel: Awareness, Consideration, Decision, and Advocacy. Tailoring your content to resonate with prospects at each stage is crucial for success.
Stage 1: Awareness
Picture this: a new subscriber stumbles upon your agency's website and decides to join your mailing list. In the Awareness stage, prospects are eager to learn more about what you have to offer.
In B2B sales, the decision process is notoriously long and involves many stakeholders - when they have no loyalty and are likely shopping around, bombarding them with sales pitches won't cut it. Instead, focus on providing value and building trust. As one marketer put it, "Someone handing you their email is essentially inviting you to market to them, as long as you provide value as well." Offer educational content, such as ebooks or email courses, that address their pain points and showcase your expertise. Evidently this takes precedence over your brand message, as 87% of B2B marketers prioritise the audience’s informational needs over the organisation’s sales/promotional messages.
Stage 2: Consideration
As prospects move into the Consideration stage, they're exploring their options and weighing different solutions, so it’s key that you should make a good impression in the mind of the buyer.Â
Consider offering case studies, webinars, or product tutorials to showcase the unique value proposition of your agency. Whilst this is a small step for the prospect, it's a big step for the business that now has a way to nurture your prospects through email marketing and lead them on a path to conversion.Â
 Stage 3: Decision
An informed decision maker is ready to pull the trigger, so content that reduces friction between the customer and the purchase is key. Examples include product landing pages, pricing, Calls to Action (CTAs), promotions, vetted reviews, and user guides. Use compelling emails to showcase your offerings and demonstrate how they can solve your prospect's problems. Remember - Even qualified leads need nurturing! One survey reported that 40-70% of qualified leads still aren’t ready to buy.Â
Free trials, exclusive offers, and personalised consultations can help tip the scales in your favour. Make it easy for prospects to take the next step by including clear calls-to-action in your emails.Â
59% of consumers say marketing emails influence their purchase decisions, with over 50% saying they purchase from an email at least once a month, so it’s no surprise that 80% of SMEs say that email marketing is their most important online tool for customer retention.
 Stage 4: Advocacy
The advocacy stage is all about nurturing customer relationships and turning them into brand ambassadors.Keep the momentum going by providing ongoing support, valuable content, and incentives for referrals. Happy customers are your best marketing asset, so don't overlook the importance of building long-term relationships. The most effective lead nurturing channel by far is email, which is preferred by 78% of marketers.Â
Lead nurturing emails have 4-10 times more response rates compared to email blasts, and 91% of users have agreed that marketing automation is crucial to successfully nurture leads across various channels, so if you’re not using some AI or automation you’ll fall behind other agencies with more tools at their disposal.Â
In conclusion, mastering the art of B2B email sales funnels is essential for small agencies looking to thrive in a competitive landscape. By understanding the needs and preferences of your prospects at each stage of the buyer's journey, you can deliver targeted content that drives conversions and builds lasting relationships.Â
Did you know that companies that use Super Benji to nurture prospects saw a 451% increase in qualified lead volume? Â
Employing an effective marketing strategy with nurturing emails can be hard, especially for small agencies with limited resources. Fear not - With Benji by your side, you can automate the process of crafting personalised emails that resonate with your prospects at every stage of the buyer's journey. Say goodbye to generic sales pitches and hello to meaningful connections with your audience.Â
Benji takes away all the hassle of remaining up-to-date with every prospect, brainstorming the ideal subject header and value proposition, and picking the opportune moment for each of your contacts. Benji patiently follows all of your contacts like a dog with a bone, and sniffs out the personal updates which triggers him to draft an ultra-personalised and impactful message which uncannily matches your tone of voice.
Imagine having a SDR who could work day and night, all year round, and you are imagining just some of what Benji can do for you. So, what are you waiting for?
Try Benji today to see how we can run a lead!